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Global Media Registry

The government channels: PTV 4, IBC 13, and RPN 9

The Philippine government currently has ownership claims over three television stations and one radio network. The level of ownership varies. 

These are, for TV: PTV 4 or the People’s Television Network Incorporated (PTNI), the semi-privatized Radio Philippines Network or RPN 9 ( now CNN Philippines) where the government still has 20-percent share, and the Intercontinental Broadcasting Corporation (IBC) or IBC 13.  

Though the Philippine government still owns IBC, the channel is run more like a private corporation; it doesn’t get financial support from the government and relies on broadcast revenues for its operations.  

RPN 9 is the channel where CNN Philippines is being broadcast. It was privatized in 2011 but the Philippine government retained 20-percent ownership of the channel. 

The government also runs the radio station Radyo ng Bayan.  

These media entities are all under the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), the office that handles the dissemination of the Philippine president’s official communications.  

It’s also the office that supervises and controls state-owned media and the one responsible for the accreditation and authentication of the credentials of foreign media correspondents. 

Executive Order (EO) No. 4, which former President Benigno S. Aquino III signed on July 30, 2010, created the office. The EO renamed the Office of the Press Secretary, redefined its functions, and established an office for Malacañang’s messaging and strategic planning.  

In a statement back in June, Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said that the current administration would streamline its communication activities. They will rename PCOO to Presidential Communications Office or PCO and merge current offices collectively known as the Communication Group under PCO. 

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    Global Media Registry
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